Category Archives for Trail Conditions
Area to post information about trail conditions
Trail Conditions
Tuesday February 11,2025. Skied all upper trails. All tracked and in good condition. Fast but not icy. You can effectively snowplow.
Trail Conditions
Friday, February 7, 2025. Looks like track was set for upper trails. Track is shallow icy and fast. I would advise experts only as conditions are dangerous. Regular cross county skis do not work well in icy conditions. Pray for … Continue reading
Trail Conditions
Tuesday January 28, 2025. 3 feet packed base all trails are tracked and in great condition. Swix blue extra kick wax.
Trail Conditions
January 25,2025 all upper trails in good condition. It would behove the Park to groom the trails early Saturday morning. Temperature was cold but snow is fast.
January 11,2025
All trails tracked, 2 inches of new snow.. Swix blue extra kick wax worked well
2/2/23 Tuesday 31 degrees F 3:34PM Upper Trails still excellent – fast but not dangerous. Hopefully the Park will groom Friday. The cold temperature will keep the cat from damaging the track.
XC Ski Conditions
3/13/2022 Sunday ASP received 6 inches of new snow. Park employees are clearing the trails of debris and setting tracks this AM. Should be some great skiing! Leave comments.
xc skiing conditions 3/5/2022
skied all upper trails yesterday afternoon. I consider conditions good to excellent for March. There is some fresh snow and regular kick wax will work (swix blue extra). It is not icy.
Ski Conditions 2/20/2022
Sweet Water, Christian and leonard Run have been tracked and are skiable and in fair condition. There is a washout on Leonard Run please use caution. The lower trails have thin cover and are in poor condition. Please leave comments.