2012-13 Trail Report Archive
12/23/12- Dan S.
Skied-in tracks Sunday. 5-10 inches depending on which trail you’re on. Actually better that no rolling was attempted as a half dozen trees are across the trails and moving them (chain saw) will probably result in digging up the trail and lots of wood chips. Blue Extra with a layer of VR45 worked well for a 4-hour ski. 2nd loop noticed the non-frozen ground starting to soak through to the tracks a little. We stopped at the top of the wet/rocky downhill on Ridge and returned back toward Leonard, as did other skiers. Non-windy side on Leonard and Christian Hollow were perfect winter scenes with the trees bent over with their loads of snow.
12/23/12- Jack
Temperatures were in the 20′s this morning very good temp to ski. At least we have some snow although it’s not ideal depth it is doable.
M 12/24/12-A Dickson
More snow is coming, 1-3″ Monday PM and a bigger pop on Wednesday night. 6-14 day temperature and precipitation forecasts still look favorable for skiing.
48 hr forecast for 12/25- Merry Christmas!
12/24/12- ASP Update
The men were on the trails all morning today, some came in early so they can leave early. They removed many down trees on several trails. They were able to roll the top trails, Sweetwater, Christian and Leonard. They said that Patterson is very light on snow with rocks sticking up at the bottom, Ridge is a similar situation. On Wednesday Chad is planning on rolling the trails and setting a single track. The ground underneath this blanket of snow is wet but with the temps in the 20′s at night we could get a good base setup. We are expecting a little bit of snow the next 24 hours so keep your fingers crossed.
12/25/12- Sue
Everything Andy says is true! I skied Sweetwater and Christian Monday and conditions were very good. No trees on the trail, no slush or sticky snow, nice base. The season has begun! Happy holidays everyone. Looking forward to seeing you out on the trail.
12/26/12- Jack
The snow gods have answered our prayers with lots of good white stuff. Should be great skiing from now until spring thaw!
The Park Park rolled remaining trails (Patterson Ridge & Snow Snake) today. On 12/27 about 9AM the park will roll and track the trails using the Cat.
12/276/12- J. Snyder
It is 3:30 pm on 12/26 and it is snowing hard, started about noon.
12/26/12- Sue
The snack and rental shop at the Summit (the building at the trailheads) opened today. They said they will be open every day this season.
I skied Leonard Run this morning and conditions were good. Park personnel rolled Patterson and Ridge today which will make a great base for all of the new snow that’s falling.
12/28/12- J. Snyder
Sue I believe the snack shop is going to be open from now will the 1st or 2nd. Then it will be open weekends as long as we have snow.
About 12″ of snow fell on the trails from noreaster Euclid on 12/26-12/27. The entire trail

Chad and the new Scandic
12/28/12- Ray
Skied both Thursday and Friday, track setting was well done. Tracks are somewhat soft and shallow but the groomers did an excellent job, with their equipment. In the usual places, on the Ridge / Patterson trail there is a fair amount of water crossing the trail due to unfrozen ground and inadequate ditching. Also, a good section of the Ridge trail from the old lean-to to Patterson was partially obliterated by a new threat. A Mt biker had come up the Old downhill ski area and proceeded down the Ridge trail to the Bova trail, something new. Swix blue worked fine for kick on both days.
12/28/12- Brad S
skied the first two loops. conditions are probably as good as they can get with good snow and solid tracks.
About 5″ of new snow fell Friday night. Trails will be groomed Sunday morning.
12/29/12- Jack
Lots of people enjoying the trails today, conditions are perfect and the trees have snow hanging from their branches like a winter wonderland. Nice job on the trail grooming to all involved!
12/30/12- Susan
One of the best.days/conditions ever. Park plows had done a great job of the roads at 9am and most of the trails had been groomed.
12/30/12- Patty
Trails were amazing today and out does all of last season. Saw lots of people enjoying themselves and can’t wait to go again.
12/31/12- Sue
Alex and I skied Ridge and Snow Snake today and the snow and grooming were excellent. The only problem was near the intersection of Ridge/Patterson and Snow Snake where the trail was almost bare and slushy, as commented on in an earlier post. Fantastic skiing!
1/1/13- Randy P
Skied SW, Christian out Ridge and then up Patterson and it was outstanding. Tracks were filled from last night’s snow but still visible. Waxless skis worked great! Thanks to all who have put in hard work grooming and clearing trails!
There is now good base on the entire trail system. A couple inches of new snow arrived since the weekend, so Chad and Pat rolled and tracked all the trails yesterday. With three passes with the Cat, the base should now be firming up nicely and tracks might have more staying power.
1/7/13- J. Snyder
The park crews have been able to set track on all trails as of 1/2/2013. The conditions of the trails are excellent and many skiers have commented on how nice the conditions are. We have a few areas on Snow Snake and Patterson that are slushy. We are experiencing nighttime temperatures in the 20’s and high teens which helps to preserve the tracks. All parking areas are now open and plowed and the snack shop and ski rental will be open Saturday and Sunday.
Snow coming Sun, Mon & Tues. Park doesn’t expect to groom until after Monday.
1/22/13- J. Snyder
We had very high winds the last three days and we are anticipating many trees down on the trails. Park forces are using the CAT to get onto the trails with the roller in tow today. They will be clearing downed trees and removing large branches today and possibly tomorrow. We have about 6” of snow total, however due to the high winds the snow has drifted and we have very little coverage. We are hopeful that what we roll today will pack and not blow away. We are expecting snow every day this week so conditions look favorable now that the ground is frozen. Allegany State Park will update this report tomorrow.
1/24/13- J. Snyder
Park forces removed downed trees while they rolled and set track (on all trails) on 1/22. The conditions are still poor as there are areas with very little coverage and other areas with fair coverage. We received about 2” of additional snow since rolling and track setting was completed. The lake effect snow bands have been primarily to the west and north of the park, as a result we have gained very little snow.
1/27/13- A Dickson
The Allegany Nordic site has been unable to accept comments on ski conditions. I was beginning to get a little disheartened by the lack of updates… The comment functionality was turned off and I swear I did not do it. A server gremlin is to blame and has played games with the site on previous occasions. Honest! Sometimes WordPress software updates trigger setting changes. My apologies anyway for not catching it earlier. Please resume posting your trail updates.
1/27/13- Larry S
Skied all the loops Saturday 1/26. Snow coverage is the minimum, but skiing is good. A few corners you may have to pick up a ski to miss debris, but the tracks are in place and will hold your ski. Get out before the rains Monday (what snow there is definitely won’t survive a rain)
1/30/13- J. Snyder
Currently the trails are in very poor condition. The forecast is calling for significant lake effect snows.
If it snows we are ready to set track.
1/31/13- J. Snyder
I left the park a little after 5 and went over the summit. There was only a dusting at that point. I have been watching the weather all evening and Don Paul said we should have snow tomorrow. I will keep you folks updated!
1/31/13- Bigfoot
Forecast states up to 18″ possible in bands tonight-Friday over much of the southern tier. Have to wait and see where things set up.
1/31/13- John
is the lake effect plume extending to ASP? we are starting to get more persistent snow here near East Aurora, so maybe sprague brook park will get enough
1/31/13- J. Snyder
We have no coverage at this point, and we have only received a dusting today.
1/31/13- Terry Bogard
I live near Pittsburgh. I am hoping someone will post a trail report whenever conditions are good enough to justify my 4 hour drive. Thanks.
1/31/13- J. Snyder
Trails have very little coverage at this point. The forecast indicates that we will be getting high winds today and 6 inches of snow over the next 36 hours.
2/1/13- Steven French
wondering what the total coverage of the trails are and if I should plan on using my good skis or back up pair for this sundays race??
2/1/13- J. Snyder
We have snow folks! We got about 5 inches since 8:00 AM today and it is still falling. The trails are not in the best shape but we did clear trees and branches while we rolled the upper loops.
We are expected to get a little more snow today and tonight. With temperatures in the teens and single digits. Parking lots are also clear please feel free to use them.
2/1/13- Bigfoot
The Loppet is a GO for this Sunday Feb. 3rd!
Thank you Park & volunteers for helping make this annual event a thrill and a challenge for all levels of skiers. Now let’s get in some skiing!!!
Coverage is thin and fast. Bring your “A” and “B” skis and come to the park for a day of racing! Trails are being groomed and there’s lots of prizes and give-aways for all racers, big & small, fast & slow.
2/2/13- Mike Weaver
Marginal conditions this morning, skied Sweetwater and there were numerous icy spots and thin snow coverage. I skied a short section of Patterson after the groomer went through and hit bare ground in places. If you ski it’s definitely a Rock Ski day.
2/4/13- Scott Cornett
Much better conditions today than Saturday with about 3 inches new snow since the last grooming (Sunday?). Ridge was good for about 2 miles out from the junction with Leonard. Back toward the summit track was getting poor. Needs to be rolled.
2/5/13- Lynne knowles
Not groomed @ 8:45 am 2/5/13 but Christian and Sweetwater have a good base. I had to break trail on the new snow but tracks visible from yesterday’s skiers. Had a great ski!
2/5/13- J. Snyder
We will be grooming the upper loops tomorrow, we are expecting an inch of snow tonight. We had about 12 cars at the summit yesterday afternoon. Conditions are thin with wet spots in various locations.
2/5/13- Richard Swank
Sweetwater, Christian and Leonard are (Feb. 5) in good shape.
2/6/13- J. Snyder
Park groomers just informed me that conditions are ideal on the upper loops.
2/7/13- ray
Upper trails have been groomed; the base and track are thin but adequate. However, by 5:00 PM Wednesday after what appeared to be only light use the tracks have started to show some signs of wear especially on the well used sections. The Ridge Trail has not been done. Given the amount of snow the groomers have done another good job.
Fr 2/8/13
Park management indicated grooming will take place tomorrow morning beginning at 6AM.
2/9/13- J. Snyder
Park forces are on the trails right now. The conditions are much better than we anticipated. The summit area did receive another inch or so of snow last night. The additional snow combined with temperatures in the mid teens has turned poor conditions into more favorable conditions. The lower trails did not receive as much coverage as the upper trails. Come and enjoy the day skiing in Allegany State Park.
2/9/13- Scott Cornett
Skied Patterson, Ridge and Christian early this morning with very good conditions. Everything was groomed except Patterson. Only thin (wet) spot was on Ridge near junction with Snowsnake. Thanks to the Park staff for doing a nice job keeping the trails in good shape in spite of the fickle weather!
2/18/13-Lynne knowles
19 when we arrived @ 9 warming quickly though. We used blue extra. Great skiing on the upper trails
2/10/13- Dan S.
Beautiful day of skiing. Blue Extra, then VR50, then just double poling as the temps went from 14 to 35 degrees. Thank you park staff for great grooming. You make the almost 2-hour trip to ASP worthwhile.
2/14/13- J. Snyder
We have recieved almost no snow since Saturday. We have made plans to set track for Saturday morning, if we get snow. Trails seems to have good coverage on them at this point. The summit was 21 degrees @ 7:30 AM.
2/15/13- Maggie
I’m planning to come to ASP to ski this Saturday. Please post updated conditions. Thanks
2/28/13 ASP
Park forces are on the trails now clearing down trees, while setting a single track on the upper loops.
3/2/13- A Dickson AN fabricated single renovator/tracksetter
There is a decent base but there are lots of washboard bumps. Because of the minimal amount of snow received this season, there has never been quite enough to renovate the base and flatten it. Crews have used the Cat and roller with two tracksetters behind the roller most of the season.
The freezing rain last week weighed many trees limbs down and exacerbated the face-slapper problem due to lack of resources to cut back encroaching vegetation. It also dropped a lot of debris onto the trail, which park crews had to clean up (skiers aren’t doing their part in this regard, thank you very much!).

Sat 3/2 AM, 2″ new snow
The good news is we have base and touring is good- the wine & cheese crowd will enjoy skiing. If you’re looking for kick and glide, you’ll find the glide but the kick is problematic.
3/3/13- Kathy Hardiman
As I neared the park, a winter wonderland presented itself – picture perfect – with a deer standing right in the center of the road. Next stop, parking area: jaw droppingly beautiful today, the stuff dreams are made of. I skied Sweetwater, the crossover and part of Leonard, taking three times longer than usual to soak in the beauty and get some pictures. Trails were not groomed, but no one minded – it was beautiful and glide was good. Here are the pics; however, they do not do justice. I took a ton of videos, too, and for some reason, they all turned out better than the photographs. I am posting links because it really was one of those rare beautiful days you just want to share. Each branch was coated with ice, then blanketed in thick snow. Every movement of the wind resulted in crystal tinkling. Occasional bursts of wind lent to beautiful clouds of soft powder raining down. It snowed throughout the day, light small and large flakes. Lovely ski, 360 degrees of perfect beauty every inch of the trails. Simply breathtaking. Tomorrow guarantees to be the same.
The videos might take awhile to load. Here are some but more are loading:
3/3/13- Larry S.
First, I want to wish Chad a speedy and complete recovery. Second, skied all five loops today. The slush the park received earlier in the week has frozen into a nice solid base on the trails, and this has been covered with about five inches of the nicest skiing powder snow. All the loops have complete and relatively deep coverage now! Hope this can last for a few more weeks. Unfortunately, none of the trails have been groomed since this last beautiful snow fell. Chit-chatted with some skiers I passed today, as I usually do, and there was universal disappointment aired that this nice snow wasn’t groomed. This was best exemplified by the couple who drove up from Pittsburgh expecting groomed trails to ski on, as they have experienced in the past, but only to find person-made tracks to follow. There is a tree down across Ridge in the half towards Leonard’s Run. I did pick up quite a few sticks and limbs today, but some were so frozen into the snow base they were more than I could budge with skis on.
3/3/13- Dan
Best of wishes to Chad. The x-ray looks just like mine did years ago. In Jan of 2001, I was downhill skiing at HV. Lost control and hit the trees. Broke both bones in my lower left leg. 4 screwes and a rod. Had the screws removed about 1 year later but the rod stays within. It doesn’t set off the detector at the airport thank God! Planning on skiing ASP tomorrow and looking forward to it.
3/4/13- J. Snyder
Park forces are on the trail system right now clearing downed trees and brances. They are also setting a double track with the LMC CAT. We have about 5″ of fresh powder that is setting a nice track.
3/4/13- Jo Ann
We skied down Patterson and up Ridge yesterday. Even with it being skier set track, it was in fantastic shape. No real issues. There was a tree down on Ridge, but a path around it had been made. All I can say is it’s been a visually beautiful year for XC at ASP.
3/5/13- Dan
What a beautiful day yesterday. Even digital hollywood couldn’t produce what mother nature did with all that fluffy snow on all the branches. Today must be incredible with blues skies and the sun shining. Get out there right away before it begins to melt this week.
3/6/13- Nancy O.
The fluffy snow on all the branches was still there today and the upper trails were still in decent shape. Thanks to the park staff and all the volunteers for the grooming and maintenance work.
3/7/13- Allen Knowles
3/7/13: 30F this AM. With my stickiest VR70 red wax I could kick on the flats and the mildest uphills, but for moderate climbing I had to get out of the tracks and into the softer middle area. Great for double poling. These are probably klyster conditions, but I did not have any klyster with me.
3/7/13- Dan Proto
4PM 1 inch new snow sweet H2O Christian & Lenard in excellent condition used klister didn’t need it. The fresh snow would have let hard kick wax work. No ice very safe full coverage.
3/8/13- Larry S.
It appears that is has not gotten above freezing this week on the trails. Does anyone know if this remains true for today, Friday the 8th of March? Want to go skiing tomorrow and am trying to determine how to set my skis up.
3/8/13- J. Snyder
Park forces were on the upper trails today setting track with scandic and single track setter. They said the tracks look nice. It is 37 degrees in the park with lots of sun. However we do have a brisk wind that is keeping it very cool.
3/8/13- kathy
I skied after work tonight for an hour and a half. One gentleman leaving as I arrived described conditions as exquisite. Some young children told me they’d just finished Sweetwater and it was great. Ground is still totally and beautifully snow covered. Good base, tracks weren’t raised much but were in very good shape; they were a little crispy (fast), but no ice. Because it was getting late before I started, I stayed on main trail to the crossover between Christian and Leonard, and skied down Leonard a bit – all beautiful conditions, then did the crossover again before exiting in near pitch black. I would guess tomorrow morning would be excellent. The conditions are faster than I prefer, but there is still deep enough snow in the middle and on the sides to ski off trail, if desired. May post pics later.
3/10/13 Larry S.
Skied all five loops Saturday 3/9. The entire trail network is groomed. Nice. Complete snow coverage remained, but bare-spot-bleed-throughs were starting to show. Given the forecast, they may be getting larger. It got well above freezing, which transitioned the snow, so becareful if skiing when it drops below freezing as it will be lightening fast. I hope for more snow.
3/14/13- J. Snyder
The summit area received about 4 inches of snow since last evening. However it is very windy and drifting in different areas. We felt that if we groomed today it would be either blown in or covered by the additional snow forecasted for tonight. We are going to attempt to groom tomorrow if conditions permit.
3/15/13- Chuck Walker
Skied the Sweetwater Thursday March 14th. There is about 4-5 inches of new moist snow. The upper trails could be tracked for the weekend skiers; however, the tracks will be shallow. Nonetheless, this will be better far than bushwacking conditions.
Overall, we must applaud the APS crew for doing their best with such a variety of conditions this winter.
3/15/13- J. Snyder
Park forces are on the trails now setting a double track on the top loops.
3/16/13- dan proto
Skied leonard, sweet water & Christian- 5 inches new snow . It would be great if the Park set track again.
3/17/13- Larry S.
Skied all five loops both Saturday and Sunday 3/16 & 17. Phenomenal (January-like) new snow! – very rare for so late into March. All the upper loops were groomed Friday, but enough snow fell (~6 in.) Friday night to pretty much cover all that work. People made tracks throughout the network make it passable. After the thaw early in the week, a few bare/thin spots exist in the traditional problematic areas. There is a downed tree midway on Patterson. The forecast for the week ahead appears favorable for another week of skiing.
3/18/13- J. Snyder
The additional snow that arrived on Friday and Saturday took everyone by surprise. We are expecting 3-6 inches of snow and about a 1/4″ of ice, in the next 24 hours. If the ice does not do any damage we should be able to groom later this week.
3/19/13- dan proto
3/19 skied sweet water 6″ snow, thin 1/8 ” layer ice and 4″ snow – get out the cat, roll it and track it- we’ll be skiing until tax day! funny story -following Dr. Lee I noticed he is herringboning up hills when I stop to inquire he has waxable skis but has no kick wax I wax his skis for him He has been doing all those miles with no kick wax
3/20/13- J. Snyder
We have received 6-8 inches of fluffy snow on the trail system. Park forces just started to groom, they are planning to hit the entire trail system with the LMC CAT/Rolller and Double Tracksetter. The forecast looks pretty good for additional measurable snow. The front parking lots are plowed and the warming hut is open as usual.
3/20/13- Jim Hoffmann
I skied Patterson and Ridge back to Summit this afternoon. Great conditions for March, it must be three or four years since conditions have been this good this late in March!!! Only one semi-bare spot on Ridge, down from old leanto site just before the turn-off for Bova. Great skiing on the first day of Spring got to love it!!!!
3/20/13- dan
Channel 2 News in Buffalo is reporting a lake effect snow warning for the southern tier. 12 to 20 inches is forecasted through tomorrow night or Friday morning. Keep it coming!
3/21/13- J. Snyder
The summit area received about an inch over night. The tracks we set yesterday are still visable and look to be in good shape. It was 15 degrees at the Summit at 7:45.
3/21/13- Steve Hoover
Skiied the entire afternoon of the 20th. A light coat of blue wax worked very well on my skiis. Most of the trails were groomed with 1.5 inches of powder in them.
It’s a long trip to the park for me. Can someone please post conditions at the end of Friday (22) afternoon, so I can decide whether it’s worth returning early Saturday ? Thank you.
3/21/13- kathy
Didn’t start out until 6pm today (Thurs., the 21st). It was snowing pretty hard which resulted in new snow on tracks w/ slightly wet consistency. I skied the fire tower hill, Christian and the crossover to Leonard. The conditions were a little slower, but I didn’t mind as it allowed me to do hills that usually are faster than I prefer. It was stunning (again), with heavy dollops of snow decorating tree trunks and limbs and weighting down evergreens branches. I left the woods at 20 to 8 after doing the fire tower hill again and it was still light out! Really enjoyed the ski and was appreciating the extra daylight as I scraped ice off the windshield. Heading down the hill got my adrenaline going – it wasn’t sanded and I could see icy spots. I stopped for a car which had gone off the road – they had road service on the way. Even going 2-7mph, I still slipped. I hadn’t factored that the park might not salt/sand after 5. (Maybe they would get to it later?) Anyways, I pulled off at the overlook finding another car also there waiting out the heavy blowing snow and hoping for the sander, which didn’t come. We both left after a bit when snow slowed down and stayed driving in spots w/deeper snow.
To the previous writer, I can almost guarantee there will be beautiful snow to ski Sat., but I bet someone will post tomorrow. It has been really nice to hear about conditions before driving over – thanks to all for posting, to the park for the info on tracking and to Andy’s group for all you do to help keep the trails up. What a great winter! (And now spring.)
3/22/13- Tom
Absolutely beautiful in the woods. Tree branches draped in fluffy snow, with light wind and occasional snow flurries blowing through. A significant amount of snow fell overnight. The track-setter had only done Fire Tower and Sweetwater when we arrived. Ridge Run had ~6-8″ of fresh powder on it. By lunch Leonard Run, Christian Hollow, and Ridge Run were set. After lunch they turned down Patterson (presumably setting all the lower trails). Undisturbed areas have 12-18″ of snow. It was near freezing, so the track was not what I would call fast, but the snow is deep and conditions great (especially for the end of March). Snow continues to fall intermittently and forecast is for temps near 20º tonight, so I would think Saturday will be great.
3/22/13- dan proto
3/22 skied sweet H2O, christian and leonard -track just set with cat= excellent conditions . snow is cold and powder -blue ex conditions
3/24/13- Larry S.
Skiing was quite popular this weekend – when I arrived at the Summit Saturday morning it was like trying find a parking spot in the mall lot at Christmas. I had to drive around waiting for someone to vacate a spot! Skied all the loops 3/23. All was groomed (except Ridge), with Snow Snake being particularly nice – firm tracks and loose snow between for control in the curves. Ridge had good people-made tracks to follow in – my thanks to those who led. It was 30°F when I left at 3:45 – not sure if it got above freezing today to make things icy. Given the week’s forecast, it appears Easter weekend will easily be another weekend for skiing. Two usual spots on Ridge with thin snow, but all else remains completely and deeply covered with snow.
3/25/13- Dan
I was there yesterday [Sun,24th] and conditions were great. I only skied on Sweetwater and Christian. The glide was nice for me. “Not to fast and not to slow.” Very managable. As I write this Monday morning, radar is showing more snow fall. Next weekend is a definite possibility.
3/25/13- Jon
Skied on Sunday (3/24) — did Sweetwater & Christian in the morning and Leonard in the afternoon. Morning ski was fast and a bit glazed in the track. Afternoon had slowed some. Very good conditions for late March.
3/25/13- Frank
I may have a rare opportunity to get out to the park early tomorrow morning. Is it likely that the roads will be plowed and the trails groomed?
3/26/13- J. Snyder
I am watching the weather and planning to groom either Wednesday or Thursday morning. We are expecting another 1-3 inches of snow tonight and possibly more tomorrow. We will be grooming mid week if all goes well. I will update when I know the groomers are on the trails! Conditions right now are very good and I have seen many patrons using the trail system.
3/28/13- J. Snyder
Park forces completed grooming on the trail system today. Everything looks very nice however it is warm and beginning to melt. We are expecting warmer temperatures this weekend and next week. We have had a great year of skiing and we are now looking forward to the next season. Thank you to everyone who has utilized The Art Roscoe Trail System in Allegany State Park.
3/28/13- dan proto
skied SW, Christian, & Leonard in AM -Track is great. Fresh snow- could have used hard kick wax. Thank you ASP for taking great care of the ski trails this year.
3/28/13- dan
I’m looking forward to coming down Saturday morning to squeeze one more day in. I have never taken the opportunity to grab something to eat at the restaurant. Any opinions on it?
3/29/13- Larry S.
Skied all the loops today – Friday 3/29. Unusually low sound level in the park today. Coverage remains good, but a spot each on Ridge and SnowSnake require sidestepping to get around. It definitely got above freezing today – so if you ski early in the morning, when it’s below freezing, be prepared for fast conditions. Given the above 32°F forecast and the snow, a warm glide wax and Klister is probably the best wax combination. Should be OK to ski with good skies at least until mid-week.
4/2/13- Mark Belden
Can anyone give me the trail conditions as of 4/2. I am hoping to ski Wed 4/3. Thanks
4/2/13- Paul K
Skied upper loops. 22F at 12:30 p.m.Tues. 2″ powder over a 6″ base. One very good skier track with total coverage. Best conditions for 4/2 I’ve ever seen and I’ve been skiing here for 42 years. Use good skis for at least the next couple of days.
4/2/13- Steve Abdella
Ditto Paul K’s comments…skied all upper loops late finishing at 7:15, and it was great stuff. Thanks to the few (Won Lee no doubt) who pressed in the tracks. 4/3 or very early 4/4 will likely be your last chance at true winter conditions! I used no-wax racers that were good to have on a few areas of thin powder and some fast glaze/ice on the back of Leonard. But depending on snow overnight, my guess is you can get away with blue extra alone on waxables, or even go for it with a klister base to handle the slick sections and hard wax over top. Only problem with wax alone is you may lose it in a few areas. Don’t miss it! No snow at Red House but up on the ridge the trails and woods are still loaded…
4/5/13- Larry S.
Does anyone know if the snow coverage is still sufficient for good skis, or if skiing this weekend rock skis are the skis to choose?
4/6/13- dan proto
4/5 skied Sweet Water, Christian & Leonard late Friday. Conditions excellent -full coverage some track slightly glazed need klister. snow itself is not frozen so you can easily snowplow. Would be excellent for ski skating. Temp 34 F
4/8/13- Larry S.
Skied my last time for the season Saturday, April 6. Snow coverage was good on the upper trails, but the bottom of Ridge and Patterson had a long section to walk and Snow Snake didn’t appear worth trying. I would like to thank Snyder for his conditions and grooming updates throughout the season – they are well appreciated. Hope everyone has a nice summer and see you next winter!