Listing of Contributors
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Save The Park rally, March 2010
Diminishing financial resources and aging equipment are significant challenges facing the cross country ski program at Allegany State Park. For five years skiers have not paid any fees to enjoy the Art Roscoe Trails and now is the time for us to step forward. The Allegany Nordic Steering Committee and park management are in agreement that new equipment is the most important thing Allegany Nordic can provide to keep trail grooming a part of the skiing experience at ASP.
The future of the skiing program on the Art Roscoe Trails depends in large part on the availability of good grooming equipment. Existing equipment is aging and does not offer flexibility under diverse conditions. Reductions in park staff and budget have impacted the skiing experience at ASP.
Our steering committee and park officials are in agreement that Allegany Nordic can most positively impact the skiing experience through grooming equipment purchases. Please make a generous contribution to this capital campaign.
To facilitate our fundraising effort, we have established a non-endowed account with the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation. The Foundation, which is a 501(c)3 charity, will receive our donations and purchase the equipment on the club’s behalf.
It is very easy to make a donation. All that is required is to:
1) Make your check payable to “Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation” with “Allegany Nordic” in the memo line
2) Complete the CRCF contribution form
3) Mail the check and the form to:
Allegany Nordic
PO Box 206
Olean, NY 14760
You can also contribute online through the CRCF website. Be sure to designate Allegany Nordic as the recipient of your gift.
Remember your donation is tax deductible.
Thank you for your support!
Allegany Nordic donated a new trail roller and compactor to Allegany State Park at its November 5th cross-country skiing open house and ski swap.

Chad Herrick and John Snyder (left) stand with Allegany Nordic skiers behind the new trail roller
The YTS Roller & Compactor donated by Allegany Nordic is 300# and made of steel and high density polyurethane. It was manufactured in Montana by Yellowstone Track Systems, Inc. whose grooming equipment has been used at Nordic venues and Olympic competitions in Canada and the U.S.
This renovator/tracksetter gives the park flexibility to groom with a Scandic when the Cat may not be appropriate, when one fresh track will suffice mid-week, etc. It is a wood frame with steel components and HDPE tracksetters.
Contributors, no picture available:
Brent Gillett & Robin Crist- $50
(Andy Dickson- $1080 in-kind)
Peter Godfrey- $100 X 2 = $200
Anne Reynolds & Lawrence McManus- $500 in honor of Jill & Heather Manning; $500 in honor of Michael Sheffield
Alexandra Rowland- $60 in honor of Roscoe Sheffield
Janis Shannon- $100
Micah & Tricia Barbash- $75 in memory of Benjamin A. Barbash
Mike Baczkowski & Sue Kovic- $100
Mark Lawrence- $400
Michael Sabatino- $25
Mike Shay- $200
Lois Nicholson- $100
Catherine Fissell- $50
Elaine Smith- $60 + $60
Paul Ebright- $20
Marcia De La Cerda- $100 + $25
Verna Feather- $50 X 2 = $100
Thomas Ruzics- $100
Mr & Mrs James Brzezicki- $50
Dr & Mrs Frederick Suter- $75
Mr & Mrs Richard Swank- $40
Mr & Mrs Stuart Rubin- $25
Mr & Mrs Trevor Coppella- $50
Christine Maj- $100
Samuel Price- $25
Donna Frantz- $25
Robert. M. Wilkinson- $50
Tripple Cities Hiking Club- $200
Bryan Frisch- $25
Dean Eichen- $100
Anthony Linnan- $25
Elaine Smith- $50
Nick Pannes- $25 X 2
Karl Friedrich- $10
Mervin Rowley- $25
James Sawyer- $50
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Geary- $20
Kenneth Ahlstrom- $20
Mr & Mrs Thomas Broad- $25
John Rode & Maria Sundra- $30
Stephen Baldwin & Jan Gates- $50
Anonymous- $50
Mr & Mrs Gary Enders- $25
John Kokko- $50
Mr & Mrs Keith Jackson- $20
Janet Gillespie- $100
Marie Aaron- $25
The Roscoe & Sheffield family- $1,000
Contributors with pictures:

Larry Scherer- $400

Jack Luzier & Sue Wyss- $500

Jim Whalen- $310

Jane Eshbaugh (& Dennis!)- $50+$50+$50

Wendy Ormond- $100 X 2

Mike Sheffield- $200 i/h/o his mother, Joyce Roscoe Sheffield

Steve Abdella- $200

Rob Walk- $100 + inkind

Wayne Forrest- $25 + $50

Bud Brooks & Debra Riservato-$100

Brad & Wendy Scottin- $100

Dan & Kathy Schwenk i/m/o Diane Schwenk- $200

Dorothea Wattles- $100

Bill Scherman- $50 + $100

Ed Grey- $50

Ken Fisher- $300

Josephine Dombeck- $100

Susan Beach & Pete Magnuson- $200

Ray & Robin Valeri- $100

Wan Lee & Julie Hogan- $100 each

Mike Mathews- $200

Aaron Rimmer- $75

Chuck Walker- $100

Doug Price- $250 + $200

Richard Kendall- $850

Barbara Chew- $200+$150

Lynn & Allen Knowles- $200

Gary Maslanka- $75

Justin Gabreski- $100

Doug Bargar- $100

David Montgomery- In kind wizardry

Nancy Gay Bargar- $100